Smoldering Fires


She's romanticized

She's idolized

Put on a pedestal

And immortalized

A symbol of nurture and purity

Of sweetness and naivety

She is glorified for either

Her domesticity or virginity

But deprived of her

Individuality and sexuality

She personifies compassion and endurance

Burdened with suffering and penance

Yet she is just a human being

With needs, wants and desires unseen

She likes to touch and to feel

And to fantasize with zeal

If she enjoys porn and sensuality,

Why must she feel guilty?

Her urges and desires,

Like smoldering fires,

Ebb and grow,

In a rhythmic flow,

Until a climax transpires

A moment of bliss

She pursues all on her own

A private pleasure

To be treasured alone

She isn't a witch

or a bitch

or a freak with a twitch

She's just a woman with an itch

It's true

Women get horny too

And guess what?

It's not new

Girls it's time to

Break free from this secret

And to fan the flames

Sans the guilt and the regret

Tags: women, poetry, social